PhD Mathematics
The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Mathematics is the highest degree awarded by the Department. The program comprises 18 credit hours of course work and 30 credit hours of research thesis. The courses are selected in consultation with the thesis supervisor. The progress of student is continuously monitored through the Guidance and Evaluation Committee (GEC).
The students eligible for admission in PhD program should possess an MS/M.Phil Degree with a minimum CGPA 3 out of 4 and should have passed GAT (Subject) examination as per requirement of HEC, in vogue. The completion of course work is followed by Comprehensive Examination for granting candidacy as a PhD scholar.
The program necessitates two years of residency in HITEC University. The PhD thesis is evaluated by one local and two foreign experts from technologically more advanced countries, as per requirement of the HEC after positive evaluation from these experts. The PhD Scholar is required to undertake an open defense to fulfill the degree requirements.
The degree is awarded in recognition of high level of scholarship, the ability to carry out independent research, and the publication of research in national and international journals of repute. The Department sponsors research activities involving analytic and numerical solutions of Ordinary & Partial Differential Equations, Finite Element Analysis, Numerical Linear Algebra, Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics etc. Our PhD program is the most vibrant and extensive as compared to other universities of Pakistan.