Department of Computer Science


The BS Computer Science program at HITEC University endeavors to produce computer scientists and highly skilled programmers, who can play a productive role in software industry, research and the academia. The program comprises of eight semesters (four years) and covers essential courses in the field of computer science. Additional elective courses are also offered to develop in-depth knowledge in the specialized areas

During the last two semesters, every student is required to take a six credit hours final year project with the aim to undertake practical industrial problems by utilizing the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of study planned in different semesters of the program. The guidelines given by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan have been followed while preparing BSCS curriculum.

Besides the foundation courses, core computer science courses such as distributed computing, machine learning, artificial intelligence, mobile application development, software engineering, digital image processing, software development, data mining, database systems etc., are also offered to provide required depth in the specialized areas. In addition, a number of courses from other disciplines are taught to bridge the gap. Courses related to social sciences, management and humanities are included in the curriculum for managerial skills, character building and personality grooming of our students.

The BS Computer Science program is accredited by National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC). The laboratory work is supervised by the concerned faculty member and qualified lab instructors.
The lab sessions are conducted in the well-established and spacious labs which house state-of-the-art equipment. Internet facility is available throughout the campus, twenty four hours a day and seven days a week for the benefit of the students and faculty.

Highly qualified and experienced full time dedicated faculty members are available for quality teaching. These labs enable our students to develop skills which will help them secure jobs both nationally and internationally.

The Bachelor of Science Software Engineering (BSSE) program has been intended to produce professionally skilled graduates for taking competitive jobs in national and international market related to the field of Software manufacturing. This program mainly focuses on in-depth training of students beginning from introductory to advanced concepts of software engineering, covering the knowledge for design, development and operation of real-time software systems.

The BSSE curriculum is a good-mix of software development and computing courses to develop the fundamental knowledge base of students. The duration of the program is 4 years (8 semesters) and consists of courses from a wide range of topics which are taught at foundation, breadth and depth level of software engineering. To thoroughly understand technical concepts pertaining to the field of software engineering, a number of mathematics courses have also been included in the curriculum. Software related courses include software engineering, requirement engineering, quality engineering, software design and architecture, human computer interaction, artificial intelligence, system programming, mobile application development, etc. Additional elective courses are also offered to develop knowledge in the specialized areas of software engineering. Most of these courses are taught along with practical implementation of concepts in laboratory hours. The lab sessions are conducted in well-equipped and spacious labs under the supervision of course teacher and a lab instructor. Internet facility is available throughout the campus, twenty-four hours a day and seven days a week for the benefit of the students and faculty. Moreover, students may spend extra hours in lab to get good understanding of the concepts.

The BSSE curriculum is completely in lined with requirements of National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC) and Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan. In the last two semesters, every student is required to take a six credit hours’ final year project that involves design, testing, analysis and implementation of a software system, that primarily covers both design and implementation aspects.

In the current era of digital world, the software automated systems are being actively used in a wide variety of engineering disciplines and technologies. Different application software systems are in place now for all the tasks that were done manually once. This creates a great urge to prepare our students for this flourishing industry on technical basis in order to arm them for producing optimized software solution to address real-life problems.

The BS Artificial Intelligence program, Department of Computer Science at HITEC University is designed to nurture skillful professionals prepared to navigate the growing landscape of AI technology. Over the course of eight semesters spanning four years, students explore a comprehensive curriculum encompassing fundamental principles and advanced topics in artificial intelligence.

In alignment with the guidelines set forth by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, our program integrates a balance of foundational courses and specialized electives. Core subjects include Programming for Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Computer Vision, Parallel & Distributed Computing, and more. These courses not only provide a solid theoretical framework but also substitute practical skills crucial for real-world application.

A hallmark of our program is the six-credit-hour final year project undertaken by every student in the last two semesters. This project serves as a culmination of their academic journey, where they tackle real-world challenges using the knowledge and expertise acquired throughout their studies.

Our commitment to excellence is further underscored by accreditation from the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC). The program is supported by a dedicated faculty comprising seasoned experts who guide students through rigorous coursework and hands-on laboratory sessions.

In our state-of-the-art labs, equipped with cutting-edge technology, students have access to ample resources for experimentation and innovation. The campus-wide internet connectivity ensures uninterrupted access to research materials and collaborative tools, facilitating a dynamic learning environment.

Upon graduation, our alumni are dignified to excel in diverse roles within the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence, both nationally and internationally. With a strong foundation in theory, practical experience, and a commitment to lifelong learning, they are ready to make meaningful contributions to industry, research, and academia.

The BS Cyber Security program at HITEC University is dedicated to nurturing proficient professionals poised to safeguard digital assets in an increasingly interconnected world. Over the span of eight semesters, students embark on a comprehensive journey encompassing theoretical knowledge and practical skills essential for combating cyber threats.

Aligned with the standards set by the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan, our curriculum depicts a balance between foundational courses and specialized electives. Core subjects such as Cyber Security, Information Assurance, Network Security, Secure Software Design and Development, Digital Forensics, Parallel & Distributed Computing, form the foundation of our program, This provides students with a vigorous understanding of cyber security principles and methodologies.

A distinctive feature of our program is the integration of hands-on learning experiences. In addition to classroom instruction, students engage in practical exercises and simulated scenarios in our state-of-the-art laboratories. These sessions are managed by skilled faculty members and qualified instructors, allow students to smear theoretical concepts in real-world contexts.

The conclusion of the program is the final year project, where students commence in-depth research or practical projects addressing present-day challenges in cyber security. This experience allows students to demonstrate their mastery of the subject and explore areas of interest under the supervision of faculty members.

Our commitment to excellence is underscored by accreditation from the National Computing Education Accreditation Council (NCEAC), ensuring that our program meets rigorous quality standards. Furthermore, our faculty members, comprised of industry experts and seasoned academics, are dedicated to delivering high-quality instruction and mentorship to our students.

Within our well-equipped laboratories and campus-wide internet connectivity, students have access to cutting-edge tools and resources essential for conducting research, testing security protocols, and staying abreast of emerging threats and technologies. This immersive learning environment fosters collaboration, innovation, and continuous learning.

The rapid progression of computing and technology has ignited a noteworthy demand for skilled experts in the field of computer science. In response to this demand and to address the mounting requirements of the IT industry, academia, and software market, the Department of Computer Science at HITEC University started its MS Computer Science (MSCS) program in Fall 2014.

The main idea of the MSCS program is to bridge the gap in capable manpower to foster the growth of the software industry in Pakistan. By generating highly capable individuals, this program targets to catalyze socio-economic development within the country.

The MSCS program bids a complete platform for computer professionals to pursue career opportunities in the software industry, academia, and research organizations. It covers a wide array of specialized areas including but not limited to: Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Information Security.

To fulfill the requirements for the MS degree, students are required to complete 30 credit hours, comprising 8 courses totaling 24 credit hours and a 6-credit-hour thesis. The thesis aims to prepare students with the necessary skills to tackle complex research problems, conduct experiments, and present their findings effectively.

The curriculum is meticulously designed in accordance with the guidelines provided by the Higher Education Commission (HEC), ensuring that students receive a rigorous and up-to-date education that encounters industry standards and academic rigor.

Through a combination of coursework, hands-on projects, and research, the MSCS program at HITEC University prepares students to excel in their chosen career paths, driving innovation and paying to the advancement of the field of computer science on both national and international fronts.

Software plays a central and underpinning role in almost all aspects of daily life: communications, government, manufacturing, banking and finance, education, transportation, entertainment, medicine, agriculture, and law. The number, size, and application domains of computer programs have grown dramatically; as a result, huge sums are being spent on Software development. They provide information, make us more effective problem solvers, and provide us with safer, more flexible, and less confining work, entertainment, and recreation environments. Software Engineering is the application of a systematic, disciplined and quantifiable approach to the design, development, operation, and maintenance of Software systems. It is in fact the practice of designing and implementing large, reliable, efficient and economical Software by applying the principles and practices of engineering. The Computer Science Department started its MS Software Engineering (MSSE) from Fall 2021.

To fulfill the MS degree requirements, a student needs to complete 30 credit hours by taking 8 courses of 24 credit hours and 6 credit hours of thesis. The objective of thesis is to enable our students to select a problem, identify research questions, develop hypothesis, conduct experiments and furnish their findings. However, a student may opt for non-thesis option and in this case, he/she has to take10 courses and a mandatory technical report. Curriculum has been designed in accordance with guidelines of the HEC. The courses can be selected from the list of courses offered in the semesters.

The PhD in the Department of Computer Science at HITEC University is a full-time study program. It is planned to enable scholars uplift their skill through advanced courses and to learn cutting-edge research methodologies.

The Department of Computer Science at HITEC University is dedicated to nurture graduates with ample knowledge and the capability to incorporate their academic learning and practical experience to address real-world problems through inventive solutions. With an emphasis on quality research, our program serves as a doorway to new frontiers of scientific awareness and discovery.

The PhD curriculum is designed to be flexible, following to the procedures set by the Higher Education Commission (HEC). Students have the flexibility to adapt their studies to align with their individual research interests and educational backgrounds. Our esteemed faculty is comprised of experienced researchers and highly qualified experts with various research domains.

Various research groups within the department are vigorously engaged in a diverse array of computer science fields. Major research areas include but not limited to: Computer Networks, Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, and Information Security.

The PhD program consists of 18 credit hours of coursework and 30 credit hours of research, totaling 48 credit hours. Students have the flexibility to select courses in consultation with their respective PhD supervisors from a list of graduate-level courses offered by the department. Prior to commencing their research work for the doctoral thesis, candidates are required to complete six graduate-level courses and qualifying a comprehensive examination.

Through a blend of coursework, research experience, and mentorship from leading experts in the field, our PhD program prepares students with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to become leaders and innovators in the field of computer science.