Department of Electrical Engineering

Scheme of Studies

Code Title Credit Hours
HS-104 Functional English 3+0
MT-101 Calculus and Analytical Geometry 3+0
EE-102 Linear Circuit Analysis 3+0
EC-112 Applications of ICT for Engineers 2+0
EE-101 Workshop Practice 0+1
BS-104 Applied Physics 3+0
EC-112L Application of ICT for Engineers Lab 0+1
EE-102L Linear Circuit Analysis Lab 0+1
BS-104L Applied Physics Lab 0+1
QT-101 Translation of the Quran: Beliefs 1+0(NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
MT-103 Differential Equations 3+0
HS-105 Expository Writing 3+0
IS-211 Islamic Studies 2+0
HS-106 Ideology and Constitution of Pakistan 2+0
CS-102 Programming Fundamentals 3+0
EE-103 Electrical Network Analysis 3+0
CS-102L Programming Fundamentals Lab 0+1
EE-103L Electrical Network Analysis Lab 0+1 
Code Title Credit Hours
MT-201 Complex Variables & Transforms 3+0
HS-206 Civic & Community Engagement 1+1
EE-203 Digital Logic Design 3+0
ME-211 Engineering Drawing 0+1
CS-212 Introduction to AI & Data Science 2+0
EE-205 Electronic Devices and Circuits 3+0
EE-203L Digital Logic Design Lab 0+1
EE-205L Electronic Devices and Circuits Lab 0+1
QT-201 Translation of the Quran: Worships 1+0 (NC)
CS-212L Introduction to AI & Data Science Lab 0+1
Code Title Credit Hours
HS-401 Professional Values & Ethics 2+0
MT-303 Applied Linear Algebra 2+0
EE-204 Introduction to Embedded Systems 3+0
MT-302 Probability and Statistics 3+0
EE-206 Signal and Systems 3+0
EE-204L Introduction to Embedded Systems Lab 0+1
EE-206L Signal and Systems Lab 0+1
HS-404 Foreign Language 1+1
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-309 Electrical Machines 3+0
EE-301 Electromagnetic Theory 3+0
EE-304 Communication 3+0
EE-305 Linear Control Systems 3+0
ME-210 IDEE-I (Engineering Mechanics) 3+0
EE-309L Electrical Machines Lab 0+1
EE-304L Communication Systems Lab 0+1
EE-305L Linear Control Systems Lab 0+1
QT-301 Translation of the Quran: Moral Values 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
MT-202 Numerical Methods 2+0
ME-407 Health Safety and Environment 1+0
EE-3XX Breath Core-I 3+0
EE-3XX Breath Core-II 3+0
HS-408 Project Management & Economics 2+0
EE-3XXL Breath Core-I Lab 0+1
EE-3XXL Breath Core-II Lab 0+1
EE-306 Digital Signal Processing 3+0
EE-306L Digital Signal Processing Lab 0+1
MT-202L Numerical Methods Lab 0+1
Code Title Credit Hours
EE- 4XX Depth Elective- I 3+0
EE-4XX Depth Elective- II 3+0
HS-409 Entrepreneurship 2+0
EE- 4XL Depth Elective- I Lab 0+1
EE-4XL Depth Elective- II Lab 0+1
ME-427 IDEE- II (Robotics) 3+0
EE- 401 Senior Design Project -I 0+2
QT-401 Translation of the Quran: Dealings and Commandments 1+0 (NC)
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-4XX Depth Elective-III 3+0
EE-4XX Depth Elective-IV 3+0
EE-4XX Depth Elective-V 3+0
EE-4XXL Depth Elective-III Lab 0+1
EE-4XXL Depth Elective-IV Lab 0+1
EE-401 Senior Design Project –II 0+4
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-307 Computer Communication Networks (Breadth Core I) 3+1
EE-312 Operating Systems (Breadth Core II) 3+1
EE-402 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1
EE-437 Digital Image Processing 3+1
EE-438 Data Communication 3+1
EE-439 Computer Graphics 3+1
EE-440 Computer Vision 3+1
EE-441 Digital Control 3+0
EE-442 Network Protocols and Standards 3+1
EE-443 Network Security 3+0
EE-444 Network and System Programming 3+1
EE-445 Computer Organization 3+0
EE-446 Computer Architecture 3+0
EE-447 Digital Systems Design 3+1
EE-448 Embedded Systems 3+1
EE-449 Parallel Processing 3+1
EE-437 Medical Robotics 3+1
EE-433 AI Tools 3+1
EE-434 Principles and Design of IoT systems 3+1
EE-435 Electric Vehicles 3+1
EE-436 Cyber Security 3+0
EE-414 Machine Learning 3+1
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-307 (Breadth Core I)Computer Communication Networks 3+1
EE-308 (Breadth Core II)Electronic Circuit Design 3+1
EE-438 Power Electronics 3+1
EE-402 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1
EE-306 Digital Signal Processing (Core for all stream) 3+1
EE-401 Industrial Electronics 3+1
EE-416 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3+1
EE-424 Integrated Electronics 3+1
EE-425 Microelectronics Technology 3+1
EE-426 Optoelectronics 3+0
EE-427 VLSI Design 3+1
EE-428 Digital System Design 3+0
EE-429 Introduction to Nanotechnology 3+1
EE-430 Solid State Devices 3+0
EE-431 Digital Control Systems 3+0
EE-421 RF and Microwave Engineering 3+1
EE-432 Biomedical Instrumentation 3+1
EE-437 Medical Robotics 3+1
EE-433 AI Tools 3+1
EE-434 Principles and Design of IoT systems 3+1
EE-435 Electric Vehicles 3+1
EE-436 Cyber Security 3+0
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-309 (Breadth Core I)Power System Analysis 3+1
EE-310 (Breadth Core II)Power Distribution and Utilization 3+1
EE-438 Power Electronics 3+1
EE-402 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1
EE-404 Power Generation 3+1
EE-405 Electrical Power Transmission 3+1
EE-406 Power System Protection 3+1
EE-407 Power System Operation & Control 3+0
EE-408 Advanced Electrical Machines 3+1
EE-409 Industrial Electronics 3+1
EE-410 High Voltage Engineering 3+1
EE-411 Renewable Energy Systems 3+1
EE-412 Smart Grid 3+1
EE-413 Electrical Machine Design 3+0
EE-414 Machine Learning 3+1
EE-433 AI Tools 3+1
EE-434 Principles and Design of IoT systems 3+1
EE-435 Electric Vehicles 3+0
EE-436 Cyber Security 3+0
EE-306 Digital Signal Processing (Core for all stream) 3+1
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-307 (Breadth Core I)Computer Communication Networks 3+1
EE-308 (Breadth Core II)Electronic Circuit Design 3+1
EE-402 Instrumentation & Measurements 3+1
EE-306 Digital Signal Processing (Core for all stream) 3+1
EE-415 Digital Communications 3+1
EE-416 Wave Propagation and Antennas 3+1
EE-417 Optical Communication 3+1
EE-418 Telecom Transmission and Switching Systems 3+0
EE-419 Wireless and Mobile Communications 3+1
EE-420 Satellite Communication 3+0
EE-421 RF and Microwave Engineering 3+1
EE-422 Navigation and Radar Systems 3+1
EE-423 Digital Image Processing 3+1
EE-414 Machine Learning 3+1
EE-433 AI Tools 3+1
EE-434 Principles and Design of IoT systems 3+1
EE-435 Electric Vehicles 3+0
EE-436 Cyber Security 3+0
EE-409 Industrial Electronics 3+1
EE-438 Power Electronics 3+1
Code Title Credit Hours
EE-811 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3+0
EE-812 Digital Image Processing 3+0
EE-813 Real-Time DSP Design & Applications 3+0
EE-814 GIS and Remote Sensing 3+0
CS-829 Advanced Computer Vision 3+0
EE-817 Statistical Signal Processing 3+0
EE-818 Adaptive Signal Processing 3+0
EE-819 Array Signal Processing 3+0
EE-820 Advanced Computer Architecture 3+0
EE-821 Stochastic Systems 3+0
EE-822 Information Coding & Theory 3+0
EE-823 Advanced Digital Communication 3+0
EE-824 Secure Communication 3+0
EE-825 Fuzzy Control Systems 3+0
EE-826 Telecommunication & Switching Principles 3+0
EE-827 Optical Fiber Communication 3+0
EE-828 Smart Antennas 3+0
EE-831 Advanced Linear Control Systems 3+0
EE-832 Nonlinear Control Systems 3+0
CS-811 Advanced Computer Networks 3+0
EE-838 Modern Electrical Drives 3+0
EE-847 Advanced topics in Image and Video Processing 3+0
EE-849 Special topics in Wireless Communications 3+0
EC-802 Advanced Digital Systems Design 3+0
EE-844 Research Methodologies 3+0
EE-851 RF Transmission and Antenna Design 3+0
EE-852 Advanced Engineering Electromagnetic 3+0
EE-853 Nanomaterials Engineering Applications 3+0
EE-854 Network Optimization 3+0
EE-855 Power System Transients 3+0
EE-856 Satellite Communication 3+0
EE-857 Advanced Power Electronics 3+0
EE-858 High Voltage Engineering 3+0
EE-859 Optimization Techniques in Power System 3+0
EE-860 Power System Operation 3+0
EE-861 Electrical Power Distribution Systems 3+0
EE-862 Reliability Analysis for Power Systems 3+0
EE-863 Advanced Topics in Antenna Design 3+0
EE-866 Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3+0
EE-867 Microwave Network Analysis and Passive Components 3+0
EE-868 Electrical Machine Design 3+0
EE-869 Advance Power System Protection 3+0
EE-870 Wind Energy and Distributed Generation 3+0
EE-872 Advanced Power System Stability & Control 3+0
EE-873 Dielectric and Electrical Insulation Materials 3+0