
Megabyte winner of NASCON


Team Megabyte made history as Pakistan's pioneering internationally recognized robot, showcasing its prowess at Fast University Islamabad's prestigious event, NASCON. Amidst a gathering of robots from across the nation, Team Megabyte proudly represented HITEC UNIVERSITY with their formidable duo: Megabyte 2.0 and Megabyte 3.0. Triumphantly, Megabyte 2.0 clinched the top honors in the ROBO WAR category, solidifying its reputation as a force to be reckoned with. Comprising six talented students from diverse engineering backgrounds including Electrical, Mechanical, and Computer Engineering departments, Team Megabyte exemplified the spirit of innovation and collaboration that defines HITEC UNIVERSITY.

The participation of Team Megabyte in NASCON not only underscores the technological prowess of HITEC UNIVERSITY but also highlights the collaborative spirit and interdisciplinary approach fostered within its academic community. Through their outstanding performance, Team Megabyte has not only brought glory to their alma mater but has also inspired future generations of engineers to push the boundaries of innovation. Their success serves as a testament to the dedication and ingenuity of HITEC UNIVERSITY's students, reinforcing its position as a leading institution in engineering excellence.